Portland Sag Wagon
Portland Sag Wagon
Juxtaposin’ Lakes of Ponchartrain
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Shuttle availability this summer is generally speaking, M-F after 3:00 PM. In addition to my 9-5 gig, I’m leading a scout troop of 11-17 yo’s in the BPSA-US (traditional, inclusive, co-ed scouting); so that takes up about half my weekends. The other half are ostensibly free but typically ya’ gotta figure I’ll be doing the things I didn’t get to the previous weekend. Or maybe not. So, if you need a weekend shuttle, especially not on the first or third weekends, feel free to shoot me an e-mail. Doesn’t hurt to ask... pixels are cheap.
Grant Petersen, maybe the nicest, most humble, most unassuming guy you could meet in a field (bicycling) which naturally draws-in nice, humble, unassuming types was in Portland today. He’s a Bob Dylan super-fan. A super-fan, among super-fans. And I had the pleasure of pointing out a favorite song of mine which Bob Dylan had covered and that Grant had not heard before (or maybe he has and just didn't recognize the song title). So, for Grant, John B., and all Dylan and Riv bike super-fans everywhere, I humbly submit for your listening pleasure:
“Juxtaposin’ the Lakes of Ponchartrain.”
Fetch your headphones, put your phone on DND, and settle in for some critical listening time. You know you're due.
First off, a neat little interview with the guy that turned-on Bob Dylan to the tune:
Bob Dylan covering it:
The Be Good Tanyas, which is where I heard it first and is still my favorite:
Back to Paul Brady, the guy that turned Dylan onto it:
Planxty -- if 'The Be Good Tanyas' were an all-male group:
Hot House Flowers -- two words, Sax Bridge:
Tangerine Dream -- if that’s not Celtic, I’ll kiss yer arse:
Aoife O’Donovan -- LoP unplugged:
Best wishes and love to everyone.
Bend, OR