Portland Sag Wagon
Portland Sag Wagon
New in 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Happy New Year to all my readers and fans. I have some nice changes to report for the new year.
First, and most exciting is a cross-marketing agreement with the folks at Wend Magazine. Chris Schwind, cool dude and marketing guy at Wend, is going to outfit the Sag Wagon with issues of Wend. That’s right, Portland Sag Wagon now has it’s own in-flight magazine, just like the big-boy, commercial airlines.
OK, technically the magazine is not my own, if by “my own” you mean it in the western capitalist paradigm. But if by “my own” you mean it in the shared community resources and gift-culture of the Pacific Islander and Northwest native tribes paradigm, Wend indeed is “my own.” They’ve also added Portland Sag Wagon to their outfitters directory. I’m there under the North America listings alongside Alaskan mountain guides and Bajan sea kayakers. Oh, and if you need a ride from Alaska to Baja, look me up. I probably won’t be as cheap as flying, but I can promise a pretty cool road-trip.
Also new for 2010 is an increase in the mileage rate. The first hundred miles now cost $1.25 a mile. After a hundred, the rate drops down to the old rate of $1. (Note a surcharge for international border crossings may apply.) The two-tier rate is to lessen the hit to folks needing a long-haul to Bend or the southern coast, but still earn myself a little more scratch to keep the wheels turnin’ true.
I thought about taking it to $1.50, but I’m doing this gig largely for fun and riders have been great tippers anyway, so it’s cool.
Well, that’s the news. Best wishes to one and all for an exciting and memorable 2010. Life is short and work will always be with us. My advice: make a resolution this year to do one big thing you will remember fondly 10 years from now.
Peninsula Park, Portland